I've been thinking about doing my own imprint for a long time now. My debut novel came out in 2011. Since then, I've had eleven novels and four novellas published by small presses. It's been an interesting journey. I learned a lot about what makes a for a good story. I learned how to market those stories too. To that end, I knew that I wanted to do it my way. With a beautiful imprint, some really pretty covers, and the kind of books that will make a reader sigh, or laugh out loud, or cry (or maybe all three) To that end, I created Dream River. I've begun by republishing some of my women's fiction. I hope to add to the collection over the next few years, with some new titles and few more republished titles, too. I'll also have a romantic comedy section (because who doesn't need a few chuckles?) published under my pen name, Annie Hoff. I promise to do my utmost to bring you beautiful stories, the kind that touch your heart. I hope you'll like what Dream River has to offer.